What is Montessori



“Education is a natural process carried out by the child and is not acquire by listening to words but by experiences in the environment.” Maria Montessori

Montessori is a remarkably simple yet brilliant method of teaching. Dr. Maria Montessori, an Italian physician, developed the Montessori Method. Dr. Montessori created her method and materials after observing the ways children naturally absorb information and learn, at different stages of their development. In the Montessori Method, the teacher directs the child to the path he is developmentally ready to take, and allows the child’s own natural curiosity and sense of wonder to propel her along. Through this method, children easily and joyfully learn math concepts, reading, writing, art, science, geography, foreign languages, and music. Dr. Montessori opened her first school in Rome in 1907. Today, Montessori schools flourish all over the world.






How a Montessori Class Works?|クラスではどんなことをするの?

The Teacher Presents The Lesson|たくさんのモンテッソーリ教材

The Montessori materials are presented to the child, in the form of a lesson. The child is shown a lesson individually or in a group, on new materials when the teacher observes that the child is ready for the next challenge.



The Child Chooses Her Work|自分でレッスンを選ぶ

The basic foundation of Montessori is the child’s freedom to choose her work and remain with it as long as she is interested and challenged.


The Child Works At His Own Pace|自分のペースで進める

The joy of learning comes from discovering the solution, mastering the skills, or simply
“figuring it out” on his own. A child is never held back or pushed ahead for the sake of keeping pace with classmates.



The Materials Are Self-Correcting|自分で訂正・解決する

Montessori materials teach your child multiple skills while building confidence and self-esteem. By design, they encourage the child to work in uncovering it’s secrets.



The Children Learn From Each Other|お互いから学ぶ会う

Montessori Classes are mixed ages, 2 ½ to 6 years of age. All the children benefit from the age differences. Younger children want to do what the older children are doing and look to them for mentoring. Older children gain confidence and a deeper understanding of their own work by helping the younger children.
